Wednesday, January 23, 2008

in retrospect...

25th December 2007
Christmas was pleasant, spent with my extended family slightly up north. The hope, the weather forecast all led to my childlike anticipation of a white christmas... cold as it was, it just didnt want to snow....gutted to grumbles lol.. its another year to wait for me to delight (hopefully, fingers crossed) in a white Christmas.


31st December 2007
iTs New Year's Eve, to London i leave.

With nothing much happening in Witham, I packed a backpack with a drink, an apple and a jacket to London.. supposed to meet Sim and geng (Northerners..hehe..) who were in London for the New Year. woohoo...not bad not bad...killed the boredom in the hype of festivities...

early afternoon was spent in Westminster Abbey...brilliant architecture, deep in heritage, every corner having a it..although graves are everywhere....from graves of royalty to graves of poetry.. okay that just sound wrong... :S ...i remember King Henry and Tennyson...owh and Charles Dickens

but my time of celebrations was just about to start...soon after, met Sim..plans were to see the fireworks although i had no idea where it was to be held lol :P...

it was ive seen.. enjoy =D

the official BBC video ..worth the time i reckon hehe...

Yeah..definitely something worth remembering.. =).. and the company? yeah they were a cool bunch ;)...

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